Pain free movement isn't a myth; it's part of your biological design.
Finally get relief - join countless others who have
gotten out of pain and physical limitation with the SOM Online Program.
Long-term results you can see and feel.
If You're Tired Of..
Daily pain
Constant limitation from pain or a new/old injury
Feeling completely "twisted up" in your own body
Missing opportunities due to pain
Chasing your symptoms but missing the deeper cause
Relying on meds that are damaging your health
Cancel Any Time
100% No Risk
How Does It Work?
1. Professional Assessment
Submit the simple assessments directly to your coach for professional analysis to identify functional imbalances in your body.
After your coach does the analysis, they will send you the exact exercises you need to work on to correct those imbalances.
2. Custom Exercises
3. Re-assessment
Your coach will re-assess to make the next adjustments to your exercises, eliminating what isn't working, and progressing what is working.
Online Program
What's in your membership?
NO GUESS WORK! Two visits per month with your own personal coach where they:
Assess your body and function
Custom-design exercises based on your assessments
Re-assess for exercise adjustments and progressions​
Easy to use no hassle plaform with full tech support to walk you through every step
Private online community and support
Exclusive educational support content
Access to private group contests and prizes​
Cancel Any Time
100% No Risk
Can help you with..
Back Pain
Neck/Shoulder Pain
Hip Pain
Ankle/foot pain
Herniated/budging discs
Nerve Pain
Muscle pain/tightness
And More..
SOM Stories
David suffered from chronic back pain for years which pretty much stopped him from doing any strenuous activity. It got in the way of his job, his social life, and eventually his mental health - incredibly common especially when you've been in pain so long and can't seem to find a way out.
In the photos you see something nobody ever talked to him about. He was getting constant compression in his back from rotational movement imbalances between his hips and shoulders (see how far shifted forward he is).
Imbalances like these are exactly what we look for in the SOM Online Program. Your body will tell us what's not working through your position in our photo assessments.
After giving him exercises specifically going after this, he felt relief almost immediately. We continue working on deepening his functional health, and today, he is out of pain and an avid practicer of Jiu Jitsu.
Andrew sought medical guidance after he found himself getting repeatedly concussed from sports that had any impact. He stopped snowboarding, mountain biking, and even running.
While everyones focus was always on his head and neck - because that's where his symptoms were - we had a different approach.
His functional alignment in his body was completely out of balance (you can see the difference in the photos) throwing off his head/neck alignment. So, force from any impact wasn't distributing through his system correctly, which was why he got the concussions.
Instead of treating the concussions, we took him through exercises to correct the imbalances, repositioning his head/neck.
He recently completed a full marathon and is back to doing everything he loves.
What are the Symmetry Of Motion Principles?1. Treat the Individual Every person is unique, so we don't put people through cookie cutter processes and solutions. Our program is designed to guide you through what your body individually needs. That being said, it's not as simple as "do what we tell you." Becoming pain free long term requires you to learn how to listen to your own body to guide you through the right movements. So SOM Online is a framework where we can guide you AND teach you to connect with your body's inner wisdom and choose the right exercises that will restore balance to your body. 2. Treat the Root Cause To truly help a person long term, you must be able to tell the difference between treating the symptom and treating the root cause of the symptom. It's possible to do things that make your pain or problem area feel better, while the actual problem remains untreated. We focus on restoring balance to the body as a whole so that the body can heal and thrive on its own like it is designed to do. 3. Treat the System Your body does not work in individual parts. For example, your shoulder muscles don't just affect your shoulders, they affect the muscles, joints, and fascia all the way down to your feet, and vice versa. All parts of the body affect all other parts. Being able to zoom out and address the system instead of trying to fix each part on its own gives us the ability to restore function at deeper levels, bringing you further from pain and closer to your true athletic self.
Am I eligible for the SOM Online Program?Symmetry of Motion is about uncovering the root cause behind chronic pain and injury. We don't diagnose or treat disease or medical conditions. We look at the design of a healthy functioning human and how it should perform. And we have a process of restoring that design. What we find is that by restoring balance and symmetry to the body - pain, injury, and a number of other issues go away on their own. The body has always had everything it needs to heal and thrive on its own. If you are dealing with pain, injury, or just want to have your body perform in the best way, and want to go after the ROOT CAUSE rather than just treat the symptoms for temporary relief, SOM Online Program is for you.
What equipment do I need for the program?The basic things you would need for the program you can find in any household. A chair or surface that is between 18" to 20" high (can be a chair, stool, coffee table, couch..) A light but firm object between 4" to 6" ( a yoga block, foam roller, a rolled up large bath towel, rolled up clothes) A strap that has no elasticity to it ( a yoga strap, a belt)
What is the time commitment of the SOM Online Program?Your daily exercise sequence will take on average 15 -30 minutes, or longer should you choose.
How much does the SOM Online Program Cost?The program costs $149.99 per month, cancel any time. OR get a discount and opt in to the annual plan which averages out to $125 per month, and get a bonus hour long video session with the founder Justin!
Is there a money back guarantee?If you truly don't see any benefit in the first 30 days, you can cancel within the first 30 days for a full refund.
How long till I see results?While there's no way to determine exactly how long it will take any person to get to their own goal, you will notice results DAY 1. The moment you do your first movement sequence you will feel the changes being made to your body in regards to restoring balance and symmetry.
Can I join for just one month?Yes. You can join for one month and then cancel. Even one month of restoring balance to your body is better than none! How long you choose to be in the program is dependent on when you reach your goal, and also how deeply you would like to restore balance and symmetry to your body. Hopefully you feel the benefits of this work and you decide to stay longer so we can restore even deeper levels of functionality so that you don't have to worry about running into problems later in life!
What is your cancellation policy?You can cancel whenever you want, at any time. You will still have access to the program for the remainder of the month that you most recently paid for.
What's the difference between SOM and a chiropractor?
What is the difference between SOM and other posture programs?
Do I get personal feedback in the SOM Online Program?You can reach out to the SOM Coaches to ask questions as well as upload photos to get feedback on any exercise.
Why is your name Symmetry Of Motion?The human body by design is symmetrical. Two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs... you get the picture. When both sides of your body function the same way, your body is balanced and works most efficiently. Thus, symmetry is the key to optimal motion. The more symmetrical you are, the better you move!